Legal AlertWarranty Documents and Service Receipts Have Also Been Transferred to Electronic Medium Following the User Manuals.

1 December 2020

Regulation on the Amendment of the Warranty Certificate Regulation, Regulation on the Amendment of the After Sales Services Regulation and Regulation on the Amendment of the Promotion and User Manual Regulation (“Regulations Amending the Warranty Certificate, After Sales Services and Introduction and User Manual Regulations”) are published in the Official Gazette dated 05.11.2020 and numbered 31295.

In pursuant of the amendments brought by the Regulations Amending the Warranty Certificate, After Sales Services and Introduction and User Manual Regulations, ‘permanent data storage’ definition, meaning any tools or medium such as text message, electronic mail, Internet, disc, CD, DVD, memory card and similar tools or medium that allow the consumer to record the information sent to him/her for reviewing of the same in a reasonable period of time, to copy without modification and to access the information exactly as is, has been added to the Warranty Certificate Regulation and After Sales Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 13.06.2014 and numbered 29029. Thus, the transactions regulated by the Warranty Certificate Regulation and After Sales Regulation have also been transferred to the electronic medium.

In accordance with the Regulations Amending the Warranty Certificate, After Sales Services and Introduction and User Manual Regulations,

  1. Manufacturers and importers will be able to issue the warranty documents for unused goods included in the annex of the Warranty Certificate Regulation, and the document indicating the receipt of the good and service receipt for after sales installation, maintenance and repair services for the goods included in annex of the After Sales Services Regulation, to the consumer through a permanent data storage as well as written on paper;
  2. In the event that the introduction and user manual is presented to the consumer through the permanent data storage, this information will also be included on the website of the manufacturer or importer;
  3. In addition, if the consumer demands so, it will be obligatory to provide the consumer with the warranty certificate, the document indicating the receipt of the good and the service receipt, and the introduction and user manual, as written on paper;
  4. The approval regarding the delivery of the document indicating the receipt of the goods and the service receipt for goods included in the annex of the After Sales Regulation to the consumer can also be obtained from the consumer in writing or through the permanent data storage;
  5. Stamp and signature will not be required for documents issued using the permanent data storage;
  6. If there is a web site of manufacturers or importers, there will be information regarding the introduction and user manual that contains up to date contact information regarding authorized service stations and places where spare parts can be obtained, and information that all authorized service stations are included in the Service Information System created by the Ministry of Commerce.

The Regulations Amending the Warranty Certificate, After Sales Services and Introduction and User Manual Regulations will come into force on January 1st, 2021. You may access full versions of the Turkish texts of the regulations from the links below, respectively: