Turkish Ministry of Trade has made an announcement dated 30.11.2020 (“Announcement”) on the postponement of the deadlines regarding the registration and transfer of electronic message approvals (“e-message approvals”) to the Commercial Electronic Message Management System (“CMS”) for the service providers. It is stated in the Announcement that the deadlines provided with the Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages (“Regulation”) published in the Official Gazette dated 15.07.2015 and numbered 29417 are postponed. The reasons for the postponement of the deadlines are established as due to adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic to the daily life and business life as well as the setbacks occurring in this manner.
Pursuant to the Announcement, the deadlines stated in the Regulation are updated as below:
- For the service providers that have more than 150.000 e-message approvals, the period of transfer of the approvals to the CMS shall be over by 31.12.2020; the period of control of these approvals by the citizens shall be over by 15.02.2021,
- For the service providers that have 150.000 or less e-message approvals, the period of transfer of approvals to the CMS shall be over by 31.05.2021; the period of control of these approvals by the citizens shall be over by 15.07.2021.
You may reach respective detailed information via the table; and full Turkish text of the Announcement via the link below: