The Personal Data Protection Board Decision No. 2021/571 and dated 09/06/2021 on the Obligation to Register Economic Enterprises Belonging to the Data Controllers Registry of Foundations, Associations and Trade-Unions has been published in the Official Gazette dated 24 June 2021.
Pursuant to the Decision of the Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”) dated 22/04/2020 and numbered 2020/315 and the amended Decision dated 02/04/2018 and numbered 2018/32, it has been provided exception to “associations, foundations and trade-unions established in Turkey that process personal data only in accordance with the relevant legislation and purposes, limited to their fields of activity”.
Afterwards, it was stated that there were hesitations regarding the registration obligation of economic enterprises belonging to foundations, associations or trade-unions in some written requests for opinion conveyed to the Authority, and as a result of the evaluation, the exceptions have been amended. In this context, it has been decided that:
- The expression “associations, foundations and trade-unions established in Turkey that process personal data only in accordance with the relevant legislation and purposes, limited to their fields of activity” in the Decision dated 22/04/2020 and numbered 2020/315 and the amended Decision dated 02/04/2018 and numbered 2018/32” has been amended to “associations, foundations and trade-unions established in Turkey that process personal data only in accordance with the relevant legislation and purposes, limited to their field of activity, that do not have any economic enterprises affiliated to them”.
- Those associations, foundations and trade-unions established in Turkey, that process personal data only in accordance with the relevant legislation and purposes, limited to their fields of activity, that have any economic enterprises affiliated to them, shall register in the Registry, and during their registration with the Registry, information about the activities of economic enterprises should be entered only.
You may reach the full Turkish version of the Decision via the link below: