With the Regulation, the establishment, structure, duties, authorities, working principles and procedures of the Türkiye Health Data Research and Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute (‘‘Institute’’) have been regulated. |
Under the Regulation, the Institutes main duties and authorities are as follows: |
- To carry out innovative and pioneering research in Turkey and to support such research in order to increase the competitiveness of Turkey in health data research and the use of artificial intelligence in the field of health and to meet the scientific and technological need for increasing the efficiency of health services.
- To provide financial or scientific support to R&D activities carried out by public institutions and organizations, legal entities, and natural persons in the field of health data research and artificial intelligence applications, and to coordinate and monitor such activities.
- To carry out domestic and international cooperation in the field of health data research and artificial intelligence applications and to carry out the necessary research, development, training, organization, and coordination studies for the creation of digital health ecosystem in Turkey.
- To provide grants and/or repayable funds in accordance with the principles and procedures to be determined by the Board of the Directors of Health Institutes of Turkey to support entrepreneurship in these field to obtain commercial value from the R&D activities.
You can access the full Turkish text of the Regulation via the link below.
https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2022/03/20220312-9.htm |