UpdatesThe Annual Report for 2022 has been Published by the Competition Authority.

12 September 2023

The Annual Report regarding to activities of the Competition Authority in 2022(“Annual Report”) was published dated 28 August 2023 on the Competition Authority’s website.

Annual Report has containing information such as the Competition Authority’s vision and mission, statistical data related to decision of the Competition Authority which has been decided in 2022 and updates and revision of secondary legislation stipulated by the Competition Authority in 2022.

Statistical Data on Decisions in 2022

The Competition Authority has been decided for 342 cases in 2022. These decisions have been divided as follows; 245 of the cases decided in 2022 were related to mergers and acquisitions, 78 to unfair competition cases and 19 to exemption/negative clearance determination.

An overview of the last five years of Competition Authority’s practises; the lowest number of decided cases was in 2019 as 312; the highest number of decided cases was in 2021 as 405. In 2022, the total number of decided cases decreased by approximately 16% compared to the previous year and was 342.

The investigation launched by the Competition Authority was 47, and the total number of investigations completed was 54 in 2022. Completed investigations in 2022 have been divided as follows; for 29 cases, investigation procedures have been completed and for 25 cases have been closed because of a compromise or commitment. Competition Authority imposed an administrative fine of TL 1.73 billion on the companies during the investigation phase.

Amendments to the Legislation

Competition Authority published the following amendments to the secondary legislation in 2022:

  • Communiqué Concerning the Mergers and Acquisitions Calling for the Authorization of the Competition Board (Communiqué No: 2010/4),
  • Communiqué No. 2022/3 Amending Communiqué No. 2013/2 on the Procedures and Principles to be Followed in the Preliminary Notifications and Authorisation Applications to be made to the Competition Authority for the Acquisitions through Privatisations to Gain Legal Validity,
  • Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Settlement Procedure Applicable to Anti-Competitive Agreements, Concerted Practices and Decisions Investigations on Abuse of Dominant Position,
  • Regulation Amending the Regulation on Fines to Apply in Cases of Anti-Competitive Agreements, Concerted Practices and Decisions, and Abuse of Dominant Position (15.08.2022, OG 31867),
  • Guidelines on the Assessment of Horizontal Mergers and Acquisitions,
  • Guidelines on the Assessment of Non-Horizontal Mergers and Acquisitions.

In addition, the Competition Authority states that the developments in all national and international sectors and markets as well as the practices of other countries will continue to be closely monitored in 2022.

You can access the full Turkish text of the Annual Report via the link below.
