Legal AlertProcedures and Principles Regarding Turnover Loss Support for Food and Beverage Service Enterprises are Determined.

2 March 2021

Procedures and principles regarding the turnover loss support to be granted to enterprises operating food and beverage services, due to the coronavirus epidemic, have been determined by the Presidential Decree numbered 3505 (“Decree”) published in the Official Gazette dated 06.02.2021 and numbered 31387. Accordingly, the procedures and principles regulated by the Decree are as follows:

  1. Turnover Loss Support
  • Turnover loss support will be covered from the appropriation to be placed in the budget of the Ministry of Commerce (“Ministry”).
  • Enterprises which may benefit from the support are those which started their business that commenced before the 2019 calendar year or in the 2019 calendar year and are active taxpayers as of 27.01.2021. The enterprises which may benefit from the support have to continue their business during this period, and their turnover in the calendar year 2019 must be 3 million Turkish Liras or less. In addition, their turnover in the calendar year 2020 must have decreased by 50% or more compared to the turnover in said year.
  • The turnover loss support shall be given on the basis of 3% of the reduced turnover of the companies in the 2020 calendar year compared to the turnover in the calendar year 2019. This amount shall be a minimum of 2000 TL and a maximum of 40000 TL to be paid at once.
  • Value added tax declarations submitted for the taxation periods in the calendar years 2019 and 2020 as of 27.01.2021 shall be taken as basis for the determination of the turnover calculation. The declarations (including correction statements) submitted for the periods in the calendar years 2019 and 2020 after the said date shall not be taken into account in the calculation.
  • If a business is entitled to receive a support both under this Decree, and under the President Decree No. 3323 (“Decree No. 3323”) that regulates support to be granted to tradesmen and craftsmen and real person merchants, the amount they are granted under Decision No. 3323 shall be deducted from the turnover loss support.
  • If it is determined that an excessive or unjustifiable turnover support is made, it shall be collected by the tax offices in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 6183 dated 21.07.1953 on the Procedure for Collection of Public Receivables.
  • The application period and other procedures and principles regarding turnover loss support shall be determined by the Ministry. 

You may reach the full Turkish version of the Presidential Decree via the link below: