Delivering Correct Information to Our Clients
On Time is Among Our Priorities


Delivering Correct Information
to Our Clients On Time
is Among Our Priorities



The Guidelines for International Transfer of Personal Data cover almost every aspect of international data transfers, with key highlights as follows: Territorial Scope: The law’s territorial scope will be interpreted based on the principle of “effect” rather than “territoriality.” In other words, the law will apply if data subjects residing in Turkey are “affected.” How...

With the Presidential Decree No. 177 on the Presidency of Cyber ​​Security (“Decree”) published in the Official Gazette dated January 08, 2025 and numbered 32776, the Presidency of Cyber ​​Security was established under the Presidency of Republic of Türkiye with a public legal entity headquartered in Ankara. The duties and authorities of the Presidency of...

Within the scope of The Law no 4054 on the Protection of Competition (“Law”); “Guidelines on Competition Violations in Labor Markets (”Guidelines“)”,was submitted for public opinion per Competition Board’s (“Board”) decision of 12.09.2024 with no. 24-37/888-M, in order to ensure legal certainty and predictability, and approved by the Board decision of 21.11.2024 with no. 24-49/1087-RM(4)....

With the Presidential Decree dated November 11, 2024, and numbered 9124, various amendments have been made to the Decision on State Aid for Investments Based on Projects. As may be recalled, project-based incentive practices were first introduced to the business world with the Law No. 6745 on the Support of Investments Based on Projects and...

The Personal Data Protection Authority (“the Authority”) has announced the launch of a new application for the notification of standard contracts used in the transfer of personal data abroad, in accordance with Article 9 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“PDP Law”), through a public announcement (“Announcement“) published on the Authority’s website on...

New regulations were made on transfer pricing with the “Communiqué on Amendments to the General Communiqué on Disguised Profit Distribution through Transfer Pricing (Serial No: 1) No. 5” published in the Official Gazette No. 32695 dated 17.10.2024. With the regulation made, subparagraph (a) of the first paragraph of the section titled “7.3.1- Taxpayers and Transactions...

The Law No. 7524 on “Amending Tax Laws and Certain Laws and the Decree Law No. 375”, which was published on the Official Gazette numbered 32620 on 02 August 2024, provides an exception regulation that Technopreneurships and their employees have been waiting for years has been introduced. According to the new exemption regime;  As per...

The Turkish Competition Authority, in its announcement dated September 16, 2024 (“Announcement“), has declared that the “Draft Guidelines on Competition Violations in Labor Markets” (“Draft Guidelines“), which aims to regulate the principles of competition violations in labor markets under The Act no 4054 on the Protection of Competition (“the Act no 4054”), has been opened...

The Revenue Administration of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, with the General Communiqué of the Tax Procedure Law numbered 563, has decided that taxpayers whose gross sales are below 50 million lira as of December 31, 2023, will not make inflation adjustments as of the provisional tax periods. Accordingly, after the opening of the...