Delivering Correct Information to Our Clients
On Time is Among Our Priorities


Delivering Correct Information
to Our Clients On Time
is Among Our Priorities



Our Founder and Managing Partner Att. Dr. Cigdem Ayozger Ongun attended the “Digital Future Summit” organized by BASİFED at İzmir Ahmed Adnan Saygun Art Center on May 10. Our Founding Manager Atty. Dr. Çiğdem Ayözger Öngün answered the questions of PWC Turkey Partner Özlem Elver Karaçetin in the session titled “Artificial Intelligence Policies in Law”....

Our Founder and Managing Partner Att. Dr. Cigdem Ayozger Ongun took part as a speaker at the “Constructive and Destructive Effect of Artificial Intelligence in the Aviation Sector” webinar organized by IGA on May 2nd. Öngün shared information about the concept of artificial intelligence in the field of law and answered the questions of the...

In April 2023, the Competition Authority published the “Reflections of Digital Transformation on Competition Law” (“Guide”). The Guide aims to provide a forward-looking roadmap on the application of Turkish competition law in digital markets and the challenges and policy changes needed in these markets, which will be of interest to a wide range of stakeholders,...

Our Founder and Managing Partner and IWF Türkiye’s President, Att. Dr. Cigdem Ayozger Ongun participated in the “METASOHBET – The Place of Technology and Metaverse in Türkiye’s New Century” discussion. METASOHBET, which were initiated by the Management Consultants Association (YDD) and moderated by Ergi Şener, featured Att. Dr. Cigdem Ayozger, Our Founder and Managing Partner...

The Regulation Amending the Regulation on Private Pension System (“Amending Regulation”) has been published in the Official Gazette dated 28.03.2023 and numbered 32146. The Amending Regulation amended the Regulation on Private Pension System (“Regulation”) published in the Official Gazette on 01.12.2021. With the Amending Regulation, an addition has been made to Article 10, which stipulates...

Konu İşbu Hukuki Bilgi Notu, 28.03.2023 tarih ve 32146 sayılı Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanan Bireysel Emeklilik Sistemi Hakkında Yönetmelikte Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik (“Değişiklik Yönetmeliği”) hakkında hazırlanmıştır. Söz konusu Değişiklik Yönetmeliği ile getirilen en önemli değişikliklerden birine göre emeklilik sözleşmesine göre ad ve hesabına şirket nezdinde bireysel emeklilik hesabı açılan gerçek kişiler (“Katılımcı”), 28.09.2023 tarihi itibariyle bireysel emeklilik sisteminden doğan...

The Regulation Amending the Regulation on Principles Regarding the Establishment and Activities of Pension Mutual Funds (“Amending Regulation”) was published in the Official Gazette dated 10.03.2023 and numbered 32128. The Amending Regulation amended the Regulation on Principles Regarding the Establishment and Activities of Pension Mutual Funds (“Regulation”) published in the Official Gazette on 13.03.2013. Paragraph...

The Information and Communication Technologies Board Decision (“Decision”) has been published in the Official Gazette on 01.04.2023 by the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (“Authority”) regulating the procedures and principles regarding social network providers. The Decision aims to determine the obligations of the social network provider and the procedures and principles regarding the implementation of...

The Constitutional Court’s 2020/67 case numbered decision (“Decision”) has been published in the Official Gazette dated 30.03.2023 and numbered 32148. The Decision involves the concrete norm control of certain articles of the Law No. 7246 on the Amendment of the Law on the Protection of Competition (“Law”). The decision annulled certain provisions of Provisional Article...